
Design collective based in Berlin.

We are the creators of Aside Magazine, MagazineGrid and Graphical Cooking.


Graphical Cooking

Redesign the way we cook – tasty recipes, reimagined as stylish infographics.


The easiest way to meet with your friends. An iPhone app that lets you make appointments in 3 taps or less with a minimalist and unique user interface.

Learn more at


Describe your world in hashtags – nothing more. This social network concept explores how the most minimalist posting can work well together.

#CheckItOut #ClickMe

Aside Magazine

The first iPad magazine made with web standards only. Over 131.000 installs worldwide – and still available, free and independent from the AppStore.

Get Aside for your iPad


Nico Engelhardt

Founder and UI/UX wizard at Thanksalot. Working at Tirendo, previously at Rocket Internet and Wimdu. Check out Nico’s Instagram:

@nico_engelhardt's Instagram

Johannes Ippen

Frontend Designer and bestselling author. Leads the Graphics team at social games developer Wooga. You should follow Jo on Twitter:

@presskind on Twitter

Paul Schmidt

Backend, Frontend, Younameit-Developer. Responsible for making our designs come to life. Currently also working at carmeq. Follow Paul on Twitter:

@derPaul84 on Twitter

Say Hello

Do you want to know more about our work? Have an interesting project you would like to share with us? Or just grab a beer?